A tenant's guide to mydeposits Jersey scheme

Is your deposit protected with us?

This guide provides you with essential information about accessing your online account, deposit release, dispute resolution, and other relevant procedures.

1. Protecting your deposit and accessing your account:

Your landlord or agent must protect your deposit within 30 working days of receiving it. Once your deposit is protected, the lead tenant will receive an email with a link to activate your online account. This email will also provide you with a username. Through your account, you can access the Deposit Protection Certificate (DPC), update personal details, and add bank information.

If you haven’t received the activation email, you can request a new link on the mydeposits Jersey login page: www.mydepositsjersey.je/login/

2. Releasing your deposit:

When your landlord or agent initiates the release of your deposit, you’ll receive an email notification. You have 14 working days to respond. Log into your account, click ‘View release details,’ and either accept or dispute the release. You can also indicate if the case will go to court.

  • If you accept, the funds are returned within five working days based on the landlord’s release request
  • To dispute, you must propose your release terms and agree to the mydeposits disputes procedure

3. Initiating deposit release:

As the lead tenant, after vacating the property, you can initiate the full deposit release through your account. The landlord or agent receives an email confirming the request and has 14 working days to respond.

  • If the landlord/agent accepts, the deposit is released according to your request
  • If they counteroffer, you’ll receive new release terms. Respond in your account:
    • Accept: Funds returned per landlord’s request within five working days
    • Dispute: Propose terms and follow the dispute’s procedure

4. Raising a dispute:

If you disagree with the proposed release terms, you can dispute within 14 working days via your online account. Both parties have 10 working days to provide evidence related to the dispute. Afterwards, there’s a five-day period for comments on each other’s evidence.

The adjudicator will decide within 20 working days and notify both parties within five working days. Either party can apply for a review within 10 working days if they believe the adjudicator made an error in fact or law.

  • No review request: If no request is made within 10 days, the decision is implemented
  • Review request received: Review by an adjudicator within 10 working days

5. Resolving disputes through petty debts court:

If you disagree about deposit returns, you can use mydeposits Jersey’s free dispute resolution service or opt for the petty debts court. Provide evidence of court proceedings within seven working days to use the court process. If not, the dispute goes back to mydeposits’ ADR process.

If the landlord/agent prefers court resolution, you’ll be informed.


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