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01534 747 310

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mydeposits Jersey
1st Floor, Premiere House,
Elstree Way, Borehamwood,


Frequently asked questions

Go to your member log in and click on “forgot password.” The password you used originally to access your account will be emailed to the email address you registered on your account or you can contact our call centre.
Since November 2015, it has been a legal requirement to protect tenants’ deposits in a government approved tenancy deposit scheme. It allows tenants to recover their deposit safely at the end of the tenancy, unless landlords or agents propose costs for any breach of the tenancy agreement, which they can prove with evidence. mydeposits is the only authorised scheme in Jersey and we offer a free dispute resolution service.
We will send you confirmation when your deposit is protect. If you have not received confirmation, checking if your deposit is protected with us is easy. Just use our deposit checker. If there is no record of your deposit protection, we would recommend you contact Citizens Advice Bureau or seek independent legal advice.
Deposits taken for all residential tenancy agreements for properties in Jersey must be protected with mydeposits Jersey.
Your deposit will be kept in a regulated bank to make sure that it is returned at the end of the tenancy. Your landlord or agent may propose deductions from your deposit when your tenancy ends. If you disagree, you can raise a dispute and we can help all parties negotiate an amicable resolution.
When we receive a deposit, we transfer the money to a UK bank which is protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The deposit is held safely there until released at the end of the tenancy.
mydeposits is the only deposit protection scheme that operates in Jersey.
If a landlord living outside of Jersey takes a deposit for a property in Jersey, the deposit will need to be protected.
A third party who paid all or part of the deposit is referred to as an ‘interested party’ and will need to be listed on the deposit protection.
It is recommended by the States of Jersey that the fee be deducted from the tenant's deposit as it is seen as a fair amount to pay for the knowledge that their deposit is safe and they have access to an alternative dispute resolution process at the end of the tenancy if there is a dispute.